Friday, June 26, 2015

"A competent entity" will propose how many migrats Romania can receive

President Klaus Iohannis has stated, on Friday, in Brussels, that EU member states have committed to participate in the relocation of migrants, showing that Romania will propose through its Interior Ministry (MAI) the number of migrants it can receive, local Agerpres reads.

"The Presidency of the Council of the European Union will request proposals from member-states. Each will propose through the competent entity — for us, it is the MAI — how many migrants it can receive. There will be checks to see if these proposals summed up will cover the necessary number between 20,000 and 40,000. If so, the matter is settled and we move on. If not, there will probably be a new discussion to reach the targeted number — we have not yet decided in what format", said Klaus Iohannis after the reunion of the European Summer Council.

According to Mr. Iohannis, the compromise concluded consists of intra-European relocation, showing the fact that all member states have committed to participate in the relocation of the 40,000 migrants in Italy and Greece.

"The process is to take place based on volunteering in regards to the number of persons that each member-state can take over. Everybody participates, only the number can be volunteered", said Iohannis.

He indicated that this mechanism is temporary, its duration being of two years, and is exceptional in nature.

In what regards extra-European relocation, President Iohannis showed that it was agreed to relocate, on the basis of volunteering, a number of 20,000 persons who need international protection.

He mentioned that the topic of migration was approached broadly in the European Council, being an important challenge for the EU.

Read more on Agerpres.

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