Friday, June 12, 2015

Transport Minister Resigns Amid Controversial "Punks and Whores" Statement

Transport Minister Ioan Rus resigns on Friday after a hot public debate over a comment he did on Wednesday evening on a private television.

He said that children and wives of those who choose to work abroad become back at home "punks and whores".

"Romania has got 3 million nationals, let's say, of the active force, right now in the Western Europe.

"Perhaps they earn 1,500 euros (a month).

Transport Minister Ioan Rus resigns
over a controversial statement
he made on romanians working abroad.
Photo Credit:
"I put it very directly. For those money, their children at home become punks and their wives whores.

"For 700 euro, half of them would return home," said Ioan Rus in an interview with Digi 24 TV.

The comment stirred up an uproar on social media and some opposition representatives asked for his resignation.

On Thursday, minister Rus apologised and said the words he had used were "an artistic generalization, a licence".

"I didn't mean to offend anybody's dignity whatsoever through my statements, I only wanted to draw attention on the high price thousands of Romanians do pay when choosing to leave to working abroad", said Mr. Rus.

Nevertheless, the pressure continued and on Friday the prime minister Victor Ponta announced on Facebook he accepted Transports minister's resignation.

The main task during his mandate was the negotiation of the so-called Transport General Master Plan with the Romania's parteners in the EU.

The Master Plan includes the infrastructure projects Romania needs or has to employ in order to integrate itself in the larger european development plans.

Ioan Rus is a member of the Social Democratic Party (PSD) since 1994. He had two mandates as Interior Minister (December 2000 - June 2003 and May - August 2012) and he became Transport Minister in June 2014, following the resignation of Dan Sova.

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