Monday, June 29, 2015

PM criticized for spending too much time in Turkey from the inner ranks of his party

Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta, who faces corruption charges in Romania, said he will return to the country in maximum two weeks, local reports.
He is currently in Turkey, where he had a knee surgery on June 15.

“I will come home on my own feet in maximum two weeks, without a wheelchair or crutches,” Victor Ponta said at local TV station B1TV.

However, Mr. Ponta has been criticized lately for spending too much time in Turkey after the surgery, including by members of his party – the Social Democratic Party (PSD).

PSD Vrancea leader Marian Oprisan, one of the party’s most influential local leaders, said he would have returned faster in the country had he been in Victor Ponta’s place. He added, however, that he understood that Victor Ponta didn’t want to risk his health, reports local Mediafax.

Liviu Dragnea, another important PSD leader, also stated last week that there was “a state of disorientation among the party’s organizations” and Victor Ponta should make an effort to return, even if this was painful for him.

“Victor Ponta should return home to clear and discuss all the political and governmental topics about the coalition and its functioning, about how the Government is led, about the governmental and political offer in the following period,” said Mr. Dragnea, cited by local Mediafax.

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